
If you want to contribute you need to follow these guidelines. Otherwise your pull request will not be accepted.


Fork adk-toolkit repository on GitHub and follow these steps:

  • Clone your repository locally
  • Pull upstream changes into your fork regularly

It’s a good practice to pull upstream changes from master into your fork on a regular basis, infact if you work on outdated code and your changes diverge too far from master, the pull request has to be rejected.

To pull in upstream changes:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream

Then merge the changes that you fetched:

git merge upstream/master

For more info, see


Please be sure to rebase your commits on the master when possible, so your commits can be fast-forwarded: I’m trying to avoid merge commits when they are not necessary.


You can find the list of bugs, enhancements and feature requests on the issue tracker. If you want to fix an issue, pick up one and add a comment stating you’re working on it. If the resolution implies a discussion or if you realize the comments on the issue are growing pretty fast, move the discussion to the Google Group.

How to get your pull request accepted

All Android ADK community want your code, so please follow these simple guidelines to make the process as smooth as possible.

Run the tests!

The first thing the core committers will do is to run all tests. Any pull request that fails this test suite will be immediately rejected.

Add the tests!

Even if the code coverage is not a good metric for code quality, it’s better to add tests when you add code. If you find an issue that could be reproduced with a test, just add this test and solve the problem with a bugfix.

Code conventions matter

There are no good nor bad conventions, just follow official code style guidelines and nobody will argue. Try reading the code and grasp the overall philosophy regarding method and variable names, avoid black magics for the sake of readability, keep in mind that simple is better than complex.